Diabetic Alert Dog Training Program:
10 Private Lessons For Alert
- Your dog should already have the ability to pass AKC CGC and Community Canine Test prior to this.
- Once a week for over 3 months
- Investment:$1,000.00
*You will be required to practice approximately 20-30 minutes per day in the week in-between sessions*
2-Week Board and Train Followed By 10 Private Lessons For Alert Training
- Your dog will be able to do 6 off leash commands, AKC CGC Certified, and Therapy Dog Certified.
- Following the 2-Week board and train for all obedience, complete 10 private lessons on Diabetic Alert Dog Training.
- Total Investment:$3500.00 (Our Famous 2-Week Board and Train and 10 Lessons of Alert Training).
8-Lesson Therapy Dog Program Followed By 10 Private Lessons For Alert Training
- 18 Lessons Total: 8 private lessons for obedience/therapy training followed by 10 private lessons of D.A.D. Training
- Your dog will be able to do 5 off leash commands, AKC CGC Certified, and Therapy Dog Certified.
- Total Investment:$1700.00 (Our 8 Lesson Therapy Dog Program and 10 Lessons of Alert Training).
Virginia Diabetic Alert Dog Lessons
Get Started Today!
If you are looking for an exciting and stimulating task that maximizes your dog’s natural abilities consider diabetic dog training. Gain a life partner in your best furry friend and enjoy training together! It could save your life one day too!
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